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Tiny Metal Wiki

The Viper is an anti-air vehicular unit, introduced in Tiny Metal: Full Metal Rumble.[1]


Specializes in anti-air. A vital part in maintaining air supremacy in a given territory.[1]

Has range of 2-2 and able to Direct attack. Can attack Air units without getting counter.

Similar to Sniper, It's able to Lock-on enemy units.


Viper is very fast and cost-effective solution against enemy Air units.

Hence it has 2-2 of range, Attacking enemy without getting counter attack. Hiding Viper in Forest and ambush enemies is very effective. But reverse side, Range of 2-2 means It's not able to Counter-attack too.

Despite of being an Anti-air units, vulnerable to getting attack by Gunship or Fortress.

Even there is no Airport or Air units, AI often produces at least One Viper. It won't attack but Sometimes block your pass by placing next to your units.

Special Units[]

There is no Special unit for Viper.


  • Despite of it's debut is FMR, There is beta version of Viper in original Tiny Metal.
    • Beta version Viper has range of 1-2 and also Able to attack Ground Units too. But has no voice.
  • In Japanese version, Viper speaks with "Bokukko (lit, Tomboy)" tone.
  • It uses same Body as a Scout.


  1. 1.0 1.1 Tiny Metal: Full Metal Rumble