Tiny Metal Wiki
Tiny Metal Wiki

The Metal (メタル, Metaru) is a tank and vehicular unit, featured in Tiny Metal.[1]


Metals have high defense and can easily damage other vehicle units. They do, however, suffer from lower mobility and vision ranges.[1]


Metal is a Basic Ground unit which able to deal fair damage to many ground units.

Metal can't deal damage a against Gunship and Gunship can deal Fair damage against Metal. It should be protected by any units (e.g. Fighter, Lancer, Scout or Archelon)

You should be aware of Enemy Lancer. Since Lancer has good capability against Ground unit and Metal has mediocre Infantry capability, Metal would likely lose against them Unless you do first-strike on them.

Metal has lower vs. Infantry capability than Scout and Metal unable to One-shot a Full-health Riflemen. If you want to interrupt capturing, Assault on them would be better choice (Except for Lancer).

Special Units[]

Hero Units[]

Tiny Metal and Tiny Metal: Full Metal Rumble

Commander Units[]

  • Nathan(M)

