Tiny Metal Wiki
Tiny Metal Wiki

Commanders (司令官, Shirei-kan) are individuals who lead the forces fighting in Tiny Metal and key figures in the game's storyline.

In Tiny Metal, commanders had no effect on actual gameplay and were assigned automatically, but as of Tiny Metal: Full Metal Rumble, they can be selected for battle and have abilities which affect gameplay and strategy.[1]


Commanders possess abilities which affect the units under their command and subsequently affect strategies used when they are involved in a battle. These include passive abilities which are continually active and Commander Powers which require charging in order to be activated. A commander has two Commander Powers; a Super Power and a stronger Ultra Power. The powers charge through the course of gameplay according to the actions taken, indicated by the stars below the commander's icon, which are filled with color from left to right as the power charges, along a row of small stars then several large ones. Once the stars are filled (the smaller stars for the Super Power and all stars for the Ultra Power), the appropriate Commander Power can be activated via the unit command menu. The effects of the power are then applied until the beginning of the respective player's next turn.[1]

In certain circumstances, such as in specific story missions in the Campaign, Commanders are placed directly onto the battlefield as Commander Units. These units are similar to Hero Units. Some of them are powerful, But their destruction results in an instant defeat.[2]

List of Commanders[]

Name Faction Debut Abilities
Nathan Gries Artemisia Tiny Metal
Dante Carver Artemisia Tiny Metal
Wolfram White Fangs Tiny Metal
Isoroku Tsukumo Zipang Tiny Metal
Tatara Zipang Tiny Metal
Luja Lindberg Obsidior Tiny Metal
Orzio Obsidior Tiny Metal
Ragnar White Fangs Tiny Metal[3]
Victoria Krakenfang White Fangs Tiny Metal: Full Metal Rumble
Kohaku Zipang Tiny Metal: Full Metal Rumble
Nora Godwin Metaclyon Corporation Tiny Metal: Full Metal Rumble

Non-Playable Commanders[]

Name Faction Debut Abilities
Dinoldan Soldier Dinolda Tiny Metal: Full Metal Rumble
Major Zhukov Obsidior Tiny Metal: Full Metal Rumble - Caesar's Rescue
SotD Soldier Sentinels of the Dawn Tiny Metal: Full Metal Rumble - Will of the Shogun

Commander Units[]

Name Unit Type Initial Stats Notes
Nathan(M) Metal A:100 D:140 Unlocked at the start of Mission 10.
Nathan(HM) Heavy Metal A:100 D:120 Has Radar effect. TBR
Nathan(MM) Mega Metal A:100 D:100 Has Radar effect. TBR
Wolfram(S) Scout A:100 D:100 Unlocked at the start of Mission 6.[2]
Wolfram(F) Fighter A:100 D:130 TBR
Wolfram(BM) Blitz Mechanima A:100 D:100 Very weak.

Unlocked at the start of Mission 9.

Wolfram(GM) Gallant Mechanima A:100 D:100
Tsukumo(F) Fortress A:100 D:100 Range 1~3 straight. TBR
Tsukumo(SO) SpecOps A:100 D:120 Tsukumo(C) in Japanese version.

Range 1~3 straight. TBR

Tsukumo(BM) Buster Mechanima A:100 D:140 TBR
Ragnar(MF) Mega Fighter A:100 D:300 aka Stingray. TBR
Victoria(G) Gunship A:140 D:350 TBR
Nora(MM) Mega Mechanima A:250 D:250 TBR
Nora(BM) Blitz Mechanima A:150 D:150 Unlocked at the start of Mission 6.[2]
Nora(GM) Gallant Mechanima A:150 D:150 Unlocked at the start of Mission 7.
Kohaku(SO) SpecOps A:100 D:120 Kohaku(C) in Japanese version. TBR
Kohaku(GM) Gallant Mechanima A:100 D:140 No Shield. TBR


  1. 1.0 1.1 Tiny Metal: Full Metal Rumble
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Tiny Metal: Full Metal Rumble, Mission 6: The Sleeping Giant
  3. Tiny Metal : Cutscene after completing Mission 20.